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  • Recruitment Officers
  • Training Contract
  • Recruitment Process
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Office Details

Contact Details

Paul Hastings
Ten Bishops Square, Eighth Floor, London, E1 6EG

tel +44 (0) 20 3023 5246
fax +44 (0) 20 3023 5346

Employee Numbers

88 (55 lawyers).

Recruitment Officers

Training Contract

We will provide you with a first class training and development programme, combining on-the-job training, internal practice-based training and external courses. We will monitor your progress on a formal and informal basis to ensure you receive ongoing training and have the opportunity to give feedback on the programme itself and on those areas that are of most interest to you.

Length of the program

Two years.


You will spend six months in four seats, including a client secondment.

Deferrals or different intakes

We will treat such requests on a case by case basis.

Number of trainees employed

We currently have 7 trainees. We recruit around 3-4 trainees a year.

How and when to apply

Students can apply by completing the cvmail application form on our website. The deadline for applications is 31 July 2014.

Recruitment Process

Number of Interviews

Short listed candidates will be invited to a first interview with a Partner and the Recruitment Manager. Those invited to a second interview will meet two Partners and will also be given a written assignment to complete in our offices.


The interviews take place at our London office.

Office Details

Contact Details

Paul Hastings
Ten Bishops Square, Eighth Floor, London, E1 6EG

tel +44 (0) 20 3023 5246
fax +44 (0) 20 3023 5346

Employee Numbers

88 (55 lawyers).

Recruitment Officers

Training Contract

We will provide you with a first class training and development programme, combining on-the-job training, internal practice-based training and external courses. We will monitor your progress on a formal and informal basis to ensure you receive ongoing training and have the opportunity to give feedback on the programme itself and on those areas that are of most interest to you.

Length of the program

Two years.


You will spend six months in four seats, including a client secondment.

Deferrals or different intakes

We will treat such requests on a case by case basis.

Number of trainees employed

We currently have 7 trainees. We recruit around 3-4 trainees a year.

How and when to apply

Students can apply by completing the cvmail application form on our website. The deadline for applications is 31 July 2014.

Recruitment Process

Number of Interviews

Short listed candidates will be invited to a first interview with a Partner and the Recruitment Manager. Those invited to a second interview will meet two Partners and will also be given a written assignment to complete in our offices.


The interviews take place at our London office.